1 Tools
2 Site select
3 Anti attack measures
4 Container
Features of Carebara Diversus
1 Castes
2 Hunting
3 Living Condition
4 Raiding party
Keeping Carebara Diversus
1 Container and Formicariums
2 Humidity and temperature
3 Food
Hunting for Diversus is very easy, all you need are some simple tools, such as hoes and spade will be good. The nest of Diversus is very deep, and there are roots and rocks in the soil, so hoe will be very helpful, it`s role is breaking large clods and leveraging relatively large obstacles. Spade will help you finding the queens in dirt, and a container with anti-escape liquid is also needed.
Diversus just marching all day long, colony often has over 20000 workers. They love building nest under a rock or in a dead stub.
You have to get ready before you start to digging on their nest. Though Diversus has no sting but the major ants got powerful jaws which could easily cut through human skin to bleed. Professional ant farmer will have gloves and rubbers with anti-escape liquid on it so the ants can not climb on your body and bite you. I also have anti-escape liquid on my hoe and spade in order to stop the ants climbing to my arms.
The queens are always surrounded by many workers for protection, if you find many workers swarming on something, it must be a queen or major worker. They are multiple queens colony which means you could get more than one queen in a colony, so do not take all of the queens with you, leave some queens behind and the colony will soon recover.
The container for ants should be bigger, 10 cm in height and the bottom size should be similar to a laptop, also with anti-escape liquid on it`s walls better with a cap on your container. Remember to chisel some holes on the cap for fresh air.
When you get your ants back to home, open the cap and put the colony to some place ventilated, add few tubes with water and cotton into the container, never put the container under the sun, colony under the sunlight will die out in just few hours. As time goes on, the dirt in container will dry and all ants will move into tubes with water. Now it is time for you to move them into formicariums you like or get them ready for sale.
Carebara Diversus almost eat everything, including seeds, sugar, oil and protein, their stable food resources is seeds of some kind of berry. And many hungry larvae also make the brood become an incredible hunting machine, they prey on many living insects and arthropods, they love rubbish can very much. Food left by human are so easily for Diversus to get in a rubbish can, I often saw thousands of workers swarming on rubbish cans in the park.
There are two main features about the hunting of Diversus, one is the incredible spread speed of pheromone, which make them could summoning more mates into the battlefield in very short of time. The other is the number of workers for battle, once the brood got the signal of war, tons of workers will run into the location told by their sisters and fight the enemy till death.
The colony begin to take more and more protein in the end of the spring, the weather is warm, and so many hungry larvae need to be fed. I often saw they fighting with earthworm or roaches, and large army marching to rubbish can or trees for the seeds dropped on the ground.
They like damp environment, never walk under the sunlight for much time, if the dirt near their nest become dry, they will move to new place for nest soon. Though they can not swim, but they really do like living in damp place, without water, they will die out in one night. Carebara diversus could be found in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian province of China, also could be found in many east Asia regions. I once go to Singapore, on the road of Night safari park, Diversus could be found everywhere of the park.