How to keep Carebara diversus? Maybe it is the best tutorial online

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How to keep Carebara diversus? Maybe it is the best tutorial online

Post: # 18690Post limwhol
Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:53 am

Hunting for Carebara Diversus in the wild
1 Tools
2 Site select
3 Anti attack measures
4 Container

Features of Carebara Diversus
1 Castes
2 Hunting
3 Living Condition
4 Raiding party

Keeping Carebara Diversus
1 Container and Formicariums
2 Humidity and temperature
3 Food

Hunting for Diversus is very easy, all you need are some simple tools, such as hoes and spade will be good. The nest of Diversus is very deep, and there are roots and rocks in the soil, so hoe will be very helpful, it`s role is breaking large clods and leveraging relatively large obstacles. Spade will help you finding the queens in dirt, and a container with anti-escape liquid is also needed.
Diversus just marching all day long, colony often has over 20000 workers. They love building nest under a rock or in a dead stub.

You have to get ready before you start to digging on their nest. Though Diversus has no sting but the major ants got powerful jaws which could easily cut through human skin to bleed. Professional ant farmer will have gloves and rubbers with anti-escape liquid on it so the ants can not climb on your body and bite you. I also have anti-escape liquid on my hoe and spade in order to stop the ants climbing to my arms.

The queens are always surrounded by many workers for protection, if you find many workers swarming on something, it must be a queen or major worker. They are multiple queens colony which means you could get more than one queen in a colony, so do not take all of the queens with you, leave some queens behind and the colony will soon recover.

The container for ants should be bigger, 10 cm in height and the bottom size should be similar to a laptop, also with anti-escape liquid on it`s walls better with a cap on your container. Remember to chisel some holes on the cap for fresh air.

When you get your ants back to home, open the cap and put the colony to some place ventilated, add few tubes with water and cotton into the container, never put the container under the sun, colony under the sunlight will die out in just few hours. As time goes on, the dirt in container will dry and all ants will move into tubes with water. Now it is time for you to move them into formicariums you like or get them ready for sale.

Carebara Diversus almost eat everything, including seeds, sugar, oil and protein, their stable food resources is seeds of some kind of berry. And many hungry larvae also make the brood become an incredible hunting machine, they prey on many living insects and arthropods, they love rubbish can very much. Food left by human are so easily for Diversus to get in a rubbish can, I often saw thousands of workers swarming on rubbish cans in the park.

There are two main features about the hunting of Diversus, one is the incredible spread speed of pheromone, which make them could summoning more mates into the battlefield in very short of time. The other is the number of workers for battle, once the brood got the signal of war, tons of workers will run into the location told by their sisters and fight the enemy till death.

The colony begin to take more and more protein in the end of the spring, the weather is warm, and so many hungry larvae need to be fed. I often saw they fighting with earthworm or roaches, and large army marching to rubbish can or trees for the seeds dropped on the ground.

They like damp environment, never walk under the sunlight for much time, if the dirt near their nest become dry, they will move to new place for nest soon. Though they can not swim, but they really do like living in damp place, without water, they will die out in one night. Carebara diversus could be found in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian province of China, also could be found in many east Asia regions. I once go to Singapore, on the road of Night safari park, Diversus could be found everywhere of the park.

Hello everyone, I am LaoJ, keeper from China, you could reach me on Facebook I had kept ants for 11 years and you are welcome to ask me anything about Asia ants. :D

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Re: How to keep Carebara diversus? Maybe it is the best tutorial online

Post: # 18691Post limwhol
Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:54 am

To keep them is very easy but also extremely difficult, many keepers ask me what formicariums they could use for Diversus, my answer is every formicarium with water supply are fit for them, no matter tubes, or plaster, or acrylic are all ok. The most difficult part for keeping them is the temperature, they do not like low temperature and would die out in high temperature in few days or weeks. So, nearly every formicariums you could find in the market will not works for them in hot summer when temperature above 35 degrees. I like to keep them in test tubes with cotton and water, but it does not work for them when summer comes, when temperature reaches 35 degrees or higher, the colony will lost 100 or 200 workers every day, workers also have no interest for food and even the queen will die too.

In the wild, Diversus use water to cool down their nest, water will reduce the temperature by transpiration. So, though it is hot in the air or on the ground but it is very cool in their nest, the perfect temperature for them is 10 to 32 degrees. With no such condition in our home, small colony just can not survive in summer, large colony will lost many workers too, but many larvae will hatched to workers to ensure the colony would not die out so fast. It breaks your heart to see tons of bodies which pile up to small mountains every day and you just have nothing to do to stop it, even do not know what is going on. Diversus not only need water to keep them not to die for thirsty but also for cool down the temperature of their nest.

So we need to find a way to control the temperature at low price, I get a rubbish can as formicarium for them with over 30 cm in height and full of dirt and sand, a soil nest. I put a hollow steel tube in the can straight down to the bottom, you could add water through the steel tube and will not disturb the colony when you adding water. Soil nest is not good for observe but really good for temperature control with water, and you do not need to care about feed too much food, ants will carry back to nest which not stinks. Another option for temperature control is turn your air conditioner on all the summer if you are a rich man, this is not works for me obviously. If you living in northern regions, it is good for you to keep Diversus in summer, in winter, you just need to put a mat to warm the colony up.

Below is the details of my soil nest, you could use glass tubes for ants when it is not that hot, and move the colony into soil nest in hot summer.
1, The formicarium need to be big enough in size so it could contain more dirt, which make the transpiration be possible. If the dirt is not too much, the whole formicarium will be very hot and not fit for ants to live in.

2, Better with a corrupted stub in it, ants will like it.

3, A big hollow tube straight down to the bottom of the formicarium for adding water. Remember put the tube into formicarium first then the dirt.

4, Very common dirt or sand will be ok, disinfect the dirt as you like, for me, I never disinfect it.

5, You need to have anti-escape liquid for water tube too, then ants could not climb up to the top of tube which may fall down and get killed.
Hello everyone, I am LaoJ, keeper from China, you could reach me on Facebook I had kept ants for 11 years and you are welcome to ask me anything about Asia ants. :D

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Re: How to keep Carebara diversus? Maybe it is the best tutorial online

Post: # 18692Post limwhol
Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:54 am

What should I do if my Diversus get mites? Why my ants have mites?
There is no good way to remove mites, AC video recommend us use lemon, hope it works for you. From my experience, mites have it`s own way for infection, dirt or food from outside may have eggs of mites, but food or dirt is not the main reasons for your ants got infection, they got infection before you buy them from traders. I had been keeping ants for 11 years, never got my ants infected by mites, and I often fed them food from wild and never disinfect the dirt. Maybe I am very lucky with the mites issue.

Why I lost so many workers every day?
There are three main reasons about this question. One is your nest is too dry, without water, Diversus will die out soon. Two is too hot of their environment, you should figure out a way to control the temperature, soil nest might be a option. Three is intoxication, some plastic containers and baby powder have venomous component. You could add sand to the bottom of your container and do not use baby powder with venomous component for anti-escape tool, should buy from professional traders in your region. Mosquito-repellent incense will make your ants die too.

Why my Diversus don`t eat anything?
All ants will not take much food if there is not many hungry larvae. Don`t feed your ants if there are no larvae at all.

Why my Diversus are not so fierce as before?
I need to say, Carebara Diversus is not that tough compare to army ants. You even should not feed them with mealworm when the workers and larvae are not too many. Get their food pre-killed before you feed them, a little by little and a bit by bit, enjoy their hunting when you have enough workers and larvae.

About the author Lao J:
Chinese ant lover and keeper for 11 years, I got a ants gallery site at

If you have any questions about my tutorials of Carebara Diversus, you could reach me by PM.

Please do not use my tutorials on your website, ant store or something like that without my permission. You should contact me on facebook for details of your plan on my tutorials usage.
Hello everyone, I am LaoJ, keeper from China, you could reach me on Facebook I had kept ants for 11 years and you are welcome to ask me anything about Asia ants. :D

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Re: How to keep Carebara diversus? Maybe it is the best tutorial online

Post: # 18697Post Martialis
Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:32 am

Nice tutorial! I think I should point put that you mean 10=32 degrees Celsius, for the younger members.
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