Hello from Okinawa

Meet and Greet for New Members

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Hello from Okinawa

Post: # 15165Post BleedingRaindrops
Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:20 pm

Hi there. I've been on the forums for a couple of weeks now and just noticed this section. I'm new to ant keeping, but I've always found little creatures like Ants and spiders beautiful (though oddly enough I used to hate larger critters like cockroaches and crickets). I never imagined there was a whole community devoted to ant love. I've recently caught my first queens and look forward to seeing how they develop. I think I'm going to love it here.

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Re: Hello from Okinawa

Post: # 15213Post Barfdog
Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:11 pm

BleedingRaindrops wrote:Hi there. I've been on the forums for a couple of weeks now and just noticed this section. I'm new to ant keeping, but I've always found little creatures like Ants and spiders beautiful (though oddly enough I used to hate larger critters like cockroaches and crickets). I never imagined there was a whole community devoted to ant love. I've recently caught my first queens and look forward to seeing how they develop. I think I'm going to love it here.

Hey, glad to have you and nice job on catching those queens. The forum kind of goes into Hibernation when the ants do too haha.

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Re: Hello from Okinawa

Post: # 15214Post BleedingRaindrops
Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:30 pm

Yeah I can see that. Nothing is hibernating here on Okinawa though. Not even the bugs. I eat lots of honey so they'll leave me alone.

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