New Antkeeper from Nevada

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New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 11310Post AceCadet
Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:51 pm

So Hello all. I am Acecadet. I am 22 and from Northern Nevada. Im super excited to start ant keeping. I've always had a great interest in insects of all types(and honestly pretty much all animals). I only recently found the Ant Canada youtube page which sparked my interest in starting a colony of my very own. I know Im joining at the tail end of nuptial flight season. Im hoping to still find a queen sometimes soon as I know Lasius are still flying in my area. I cant wait to find my first queen and start the adventure of Antkeeping.
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Re: New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 11658Post ooper01
Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:15 am

Glad to have you! And glad there is another ant keeper in the Western US :) I'm in Salt Lake.
~ ooper

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Re: New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 11846Post Antcrisp
Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:41 pm

I also live in Neveda and im having troubles finding a queen. Where are you looking if you don't mind telling me. Im also new :)

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Re: New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 11893Post AceCadet
Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:17 pm

I live in Reno so Rancho San Rafael if where I look. The humidity this week is perfect and I already saw what I believe was a Solenopsis molesta colony widening their entrance for nupital flight. There still may be time! Look for green spaces, or open desert. We have an abundance of Pogonomyrex here. They are big, easy to spot. However not a very good beginning ant as they sting pretty bad and are only Semi Claustaral(cant spell). So yeah, as long as its still warm there should still be nuptial flights. So keep your eyes to the ground and always have a bottle ready. Happy ant keeping!
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Re: New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 11917Post Antcrisp
Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:38 pm

AceCadet wrote:I live in Reno so Rancho San Rafael if where I look. The humidity this week is perfect and I already saw what I believe was a Solenopsis molesta colony widening their entrance for nupital flight. There still may be time! Look for green spaces, or open desert. We have an abundance of Pogonomyrex here. They are big, easy to spot. However not a very good beginning ant as they sting pretty bad and are only Semi Claustaral(cant spell). So yeah, as long as its still warm there should still be nuptial flights. So keep your eyes to the ground and always have a bottle ready. Happy ant keeping!
Oh nice! Good i still have a chance. I live in Las vegas,we are not expecting any rain anytime soon. Where did you see queen?
Yea,im looking everywhere i allready went to parks and still nothing. Ill keep looking more.

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Re: New Antkeeper from Nevada

Post: # 14851Post Brain007
Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:15 pm

warmly welcome to ant Canada forum..
i hope you will enjoy this amazing ant keepers community!
Human Lover! ;)

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