AntsCanada Forum Rules

Know the User Rules of the Forum
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AntsCanada Forum Rules

Post: # 2Post MadVampy
Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:47 am

General Rules for the AntsCanada Forums

Hello all, here are a few rules for the forum. We want everyone to be about to feel like they can post their opinions on topics and such with out recourse but at the same time we don’t want people to feel like they are being bashed and unwelcome in the forums. So below are some simple rules that we at AntsCanada hope you can follow and enjoy the forums.

1. Do not bash, speak ill, or make reference in any negative way to AntsCanada, the owner Mikey Bustos, or the products of AntsCanada (but objective criticism in the testimonial section is permitted at the discretion of the moderators/admin). If you have issues regarding orders, products, services, etc relating to AntsCanada or its personnel please address them to customer service at and kindly allow up to 2-3 days for a response. 

2) We support responsible ant keeping: Zero tolerance for importation of non-native ant species or shipment of live ant colonies. Only GAN Project posts are permitted. We also promote ETHICAL collecting of ant colonies. Always with owner's permission if collecting on private property, or with official collecting permits if collecting on public land or protected areas

3) We are real people: Any spammers will be deleted and banned permanently. Never comment on spam. Always flag spam posts when you see them. Try to keep all posts as ant-related as possible, except in the Everything Else section.

4) Please keep your postings related to the said topic. Random postings off topic can be considered spam.

5) This is a negative-free zone: Zero toleration for bashing, personal insults, rude comments, troublemakers, and foul language. It is OK to disagree with a post or opinion, and debates are certainly welcome, but please communicate your thoughts objectively and above all respectfully.

6) No double accounts. If you can’t log into your account don’t make another ask for help from the Admin’s or Moderators.

7) We are not plagiarists, wannabes, nor thieves: There will be zero tolerance for copyright infringement or stealing of intellectual property. Please reference all sources at all times when posting material that is not yours.

8) Not everyone knows everything about said topic so be kind and not harsh to those that might not know better.

9) Keep it clean! This for is for everyone no matter the age, sex, religion. With that said there will be minors (under the age of 18) and we don’t need to offend them with adult related comments.

10) Keep your personal info private! If you don’t want others to know personal information about you then don’t post it! Remember all forums are searchable via the internet!

11) Respect one another. Don’t harass or troll anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.

12)  Posting of web links that lead to spam, adult, hack, or other harmful sites will result in instant ban of your account!

13)  If your going to use a Signature for your postings please keep it simple and clean.

14) The Owner (Mikey Bustos), Administrators, Moderators have final say on any disputes. We have owed to run these boards fairly, in as neutral a manner as we can, and with the aim to make the AntsCanada Ant Forum a place of positivity and learning.

15) Be helpful and supportive. We’re all here to learn, so please be constructive when providing feedback. Propagate peace and education within the global online ant community and hobby. Please invite your ant-loving friends to join. This is an all-inclusive group. Harassing, threatening, or intimidating of others won’t be tolerated. 

16) No cross posting. Please do not post the same thing in more than one topic area, this could be considered spamming.

17) If you’re going to post a question please do a search for it before you do, chances are someone else has already asked the question and others have helped by posting their ideas and thoughts.

18)  Please use normal English. DON’T USE ALL UPPERCASE FOR YOUR TITLES, OR RESPONSES. Its can be considered shouting. Also avoid text message abbreviations.

19)  This forum is in Regular English. Please post in this way. If you use a translator please make sure it translates to what you want to get across to others. Posting in anything other than English will be cause for removal of your posting.

20) If you’re going to report a user's post please make sure it’s breaking forum rules and not just because you didn’t like the post or don’t like the poster.

Generally we will give a user of the forum a warning first pertaining to a violation of the rules, but that’s only at the Admin’s and Mod’s discretion. Also a Ban of a account is only done and is considered “The Last Resort” but it is considered permanent!

The Forum Rules can and will be revised at any point so please check back regularly for changes.

Ok so enough of the rules! Thank you for taking the time to read the above rules. Please Enjoy the forums and share and or learn from the others here in the forums.


The Admin’s and Mod’s of the AntsCanada Forum’s!


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