Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
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- Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:08 pm
Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
In my back yard i have a lot of wood and piles of leaves i my back yard. when i move them there are always outside roaches, can i just freeze them and use them as food?
Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
Depends on if your lawn and the surrounding area are treated with pesticides. If so, don't. If not, go right ahead.
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Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
And also what about lizards once my colony gets big enough? And my lawn was treated with ant pesticide but obviously it did not work if there are a whole bunch of ants

And the lizards i can easily just hunt them with my sling shot. There is a abundance of lizards so i think i will not hurt the eco too much
Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
Both bad ideas. It was treated with pesticides, don't feed it.
Feeding a lizard seems pretty darn callous.
Feeding a lizard seems pretty darn callous.
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Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
I make sure its quick and easy, plus its not the giant lizards just like the 2 - 3 inch ones.
Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
Don't feed vertebrates to your ants. Much of it is unused. It's just wasting that animal's life.
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Tetramorium sp.
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Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
alright, what about aphids i have some aphids in my backyard that solenopsis invicta colony cares for. do i just scare off the ants and take the weed? (solenopsis invicta are invasive where i live)
Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
Good luck removing the ants and taking the weed. Most have pretty large root systems.
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Tetramorium sp.
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Tetramorium sp.
Crematogaster sp.
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Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
Digs a 8*8*8 hole and placing it in a giant bin
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Re: Can i use outside Roaches to feed my ants?
So I think what we are trying to tell you is to not feed your ants anything from outside. pet stores are the way to go. get a container of crickets and freeze them. when your colony is hungry grab one and stick it in their outworld.(I have a blade near my setup so I can cut the cricket into three accessible pieces for my ants.
Proverbs 6:6-11
Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
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