Prenolepis Imparis Nutrition

Posts and questions relating to ant diet & nutrition. Let us know what you’re feeding your ants.

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Prenolepis Imparis Nutrition

Post: # 19736Post PhatGaster
Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:59 am

Begginer ant keeper. I recently caught some Winter Ant Queens and they just laid eggs.I'm wondering if there fully or semi claustral and if semi what should I feed them. I know ants need sugar and protein but I've heard rumours that Winter Ants are picky. Some nutrition guidance for when the first workers arrive would also be appreciated. Thanks :D
Beginner keeper of Prenolepis Imparis. Would appreciate all the help I can

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Re: Prenolepis Imparis Nutrition

Post: # 20010Post ultraex2
Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:30 am

They are fully claustral and it will probably take about 2 months for the first workers to hatch.
For sugars I have seen people feed them honey and sugar water.
For proteins, I've read people in journals feeding them wax worms and I know in AntsCanada's video on them they were fed turkey. In the wild I have observed them eating earthworms and soil centipedes (the small, yellow ones).
Hope this helps!

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Re: Prenolepis Imparis Nutrition

Post: # 20031Post Serafine
Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:08 pm

Just apply the sugars in SMALL drops (or in other forms like cotton soaked with sugar water) so the ants cannot drown in it.
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Re: Prenolepis Imparis Nutrition

Post: # 20126Post PhatGaster
Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:58 pm

Thanks so much for the help. Patiently waiting for the day they hatch. I'm going to start looking for raw honey and wax worms right away
Beginner keeper of Prenolepis Imparis. Would appreciate all the help I can

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