Here is a picture of a meal of few days for my lasius colony of 20-30 workers and 10-20 egg and the queen (not sure of exact numbers because their nest is underground and in soil.
Usually 1-2 ant do basic groundwork around the nest, there is 1 scout and 1 forager for constant hard parts chewed for the larvae, when fresh food is given usually 5-6 start to forage for a few hours.

The food shown on the picture are:
Raw honey (furthest on the pic)
Acacia tree honey (closest white drop)
Linden tree honey (right brownish drop)
^all mixed with water ofc
A meal worm cut in 3 pieces + the head (I kill them by ripping their head off and I noticed my ants love if I include the head as well because it can be carried by one worker and they always bring it inside the nest as it)
And the purple drop on the left is a mixture of water, 2 types of honey, sugar and BCAA food supplement(raspberry flavor

In the background you can see my basic water tube with cotton and the bonsai tree which has the ants nest at it's roots. (If you've read my other topic about this outworld you can laugh now, well, they managed to move in