Earwigs as feeders?

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Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 15189Post BleedingRaindrops
Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:05 am

There is a colony (I haven't identified the species of) that lives in the wall of a concrete building near me, which regularly hunts and kills earwigs. I see them dragging dead earwigs back all the time and I caught them in the act of killing it once. Obviously the ants like them, but do you think they are species specific prey or that they might work for all species of ant? They are relatively easy to find and catch and I would love to see an ant colony take these if they are suitable.

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Re: Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 15190Post Batspiderfish
Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:44 am

They can actually be kind of dangerous to ants, left alive. Those pincers are not just used in defense; earwigs are omnivorous hunters.

They're also very cannibalistic, so attempts to breed cultures of them have failed. It might be fun to raise a family of earwigs, as the females are devoted mothers up until their offspring's second molt.
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Re: Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 15193Post Serafine
Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:08 am

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Re: Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 15194Post Nathant
Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:53 pm

I've been thinking of this too. I can probably find and catch 50 around my house right now if I wanted, but I'm not sure if they are resistant to pesticides. I'll do some research.
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Re: Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 15199Post Batspiderfish
Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:21 pm

Well, the point of the pesticide resistance is that flies will be exposed to them and still stay alive, then when an insect without resistance eats the fly, they die. Any insects that you cultivate are safe as food, in that regard, because they were never exposed to pesticides in the first place.
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Re: Earwigs as feeders?

Post: # 17758Post IridomyrmexJ
Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:22 pm

I fed some earwigs to some wild ants. I think they were Iridomyrmex Sp. They took them into their ant hole and they presumably ate them. You should probably stick with mealworms but if you are going to feed earwigs make sure they are dead. Not half dead, dead.

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