Odontomachus won't eat.

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Odontomachus won't eat.

Post: # 14139Post EduardoOhashi
Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:09 am

Hello, I'm from Brazil. This is the first time I'm trying to start a colony, so I'm having some issues. :cry:

Last week I caught 1 Odontomachus queen and 2 queens that I believe to be Pachyocondyla. All of them are still with their wings. Doing some research, I found that both species are semi-claustral (correct?), so I put their test tubes inside acrilic boxes with some sand and artificial plants.
The problem is that the Odontomachus queen doesn't eat anything I gave her. I already tried worms, mealworms, flies, bugs (tried alive and dead), sugarwater, honey... She goes exploring often, just like the Pachycondyla queens, but doesn't accept anything I give her.
None of my queens laid eggs yet, but I think I just have to be patient.

Anyone with experience keeping Odontomachus?

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Re: Odontomachus won't eat.

Post: # 14165Post seahehern
Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:59 am

Is your queen in a dark area because queens get less stress in darker areas #AntLove .

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Re: Odontomachus won't eat.

Post: # 14168Post EduardoOhashi
Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:13 am

Yes, they are inside my wardrobe. Last night I gave them a spider I found (put it on a piece of paper). Today in the morning, the spider was a few centimeters away, but I'm not sure if they ate it.

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Re: Odontomachus won't eat.

Post: # 14172Post Martialis
Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:25 am

EduardoOhashi wrote:Yes, they are inside my wardrobe. Last night I gave them a spider I found (put it on a piece of paper). Today in the morning, the spider was a few centimeters away, but I'm not sure if they ate it.
Try something small and living. Semi claustral queens tend to like living prey better from my experience.
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