Homemade Test Tube Portal

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Homemade Test Tube Portal

Post: # 19037Post xTNxANTMANx
Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:37 am

So, in a recent post I told a few that I made my own test tube portals for less than $1.00. Ok, the containers I use I by at Walmart where you find the rulers and stuff for $0.88. Then I used my test tubes and the caps they come with and a hot glue gun I also purchased at Walmart for like $5 I believe. But here goes...
Here is what it looks like...
Then I drill a hole in the side so that the cap of my test tube will fit snug...(excuse the bits of clay on the side :) )
Then I drill a whole in the cap itself of the test tube...
Use hot glue to make sure the cap and its "contents" will stay put :-)...
And there ya go...the cap is there and can interchange test tubes as you please...(end result is more straight and level lol)
Oh, I also used the smallest bit for my wood burner to do the lid...
I also have some that have sections of tubing glued in place for easy connections to other tubes and/or more test tubes as needed. I hope this helps anyone looking for a cheaper yet effective solution. Oh yeah, and the blue stuff is non-dry clay I use to make a good seal just in case the Fluon has a defect so to speak but here is the end result...

Really hope everyone enjoys :-)
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Re: Homemade Test Tube Portal

Post: # 19039Post JackPayne
Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:12 am

Definitely be using this.
Hi I'm Jack, How are you? TeamNativeAnts!

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Re: Homemade Test Tube Portal

Post: # 19053Post Jadeninja9
Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:58 pm


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Re: Homemade Test Tube Portal

Post: # 19717Post AntsDaSilva
Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:54 am

:P :P Good job!!!
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Re: Homemade Test Tube Portal

Post: # 19721Post xTNxANTMANx
Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:22 pm

AntsDaSilva wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:54 am
:P :P Good job!!!
Thank you. They are actually very helpful so far. Although mine work just fine I would still like to own one of the test tube portals from AntsCanada store :-). They look so professional LOL
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Aphaenogaster sp
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