Here is what it looks like...

Then I drill a hole in the side so that the cap of my test tube will fit snug...(excuse the bits of clay on the side

Then I drill a whole in the cap itself of the test tube...

Use hot glue to make sure the cap and its "contents" will stay put

And there ya go...the cap is there and can interchange test tubes as you please...(end result is more straight and level lol)

Oh, I also used the smallest bit for my wood burner to do the lid...

I also have some that have sections of tubing glued in place for easy connections to other tubes and/or more test tubes as needed. I hope this helps anyone looking for a cheaper yet effective solution. Oh yeah, and the blue stuff is non-dry clay I use to make a good seal just in case the Fluon has a defect so to speak but here is the end result...

Really hope everyone enjoys