So about 2 months ago, I accidentally dropped my test tube setup with a young Pheidole colony with 10 workers. Luckily, only the sides were shattered and the colony was still intact. I had to transfer the remains of the test tube to a small container and provided a new testtube set up at the side for them to move in. It has been 2 months, the colony size has doubled, they still refused to move in, preferring their broken test tube nest. I recently added a sugar water test tube too so it makes feeding easier. The setup's a little small, and since it was made on a whim, there are no holes in the container should I want to attach it to a tube and expand it. The sides of the container are lined with Vaseline and covered with a lid(I would usually not cover it completely to allow ventilation) as the barrier doesn't work 100% with ants here in Singapore; I have had escapes with vaseline barrier setup experiements prior to this setup so the lid is a precaution.
Is this setup feasible in the long run?