Dirt Setup

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Dirt Setup

Post: # 17777Post shaky33
Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:32 pm

Hello All,
I have seen in many videos of colony's started in containers of dirt or soil. I would very much like to try this but am stuck on one aspect of it, hydrating.

If anyone could give me tips on how to do this, general tips, anything really. Everything will be appreciated.
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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17782Post Martialis
Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:53 pm

Hydration can be accomplished by literally just wetting the dirt. An idea I'd like to try is putting a plant in with the dirt setup, as the roots would give structure to the dirt (preventing tunnel collapses) and possibly soaking up excess water.
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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17787Post Fulkol
Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:47 pm

Martialis wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:53 pm
Hydration can be accomplished by literally just wetting the dirt. An idea I'd like to try is putting a plant in with the dirt setup, as the roots would give structure to the dirt (preventing tunnel collapses) and possibly soaking up excess water.
Basically this

If you look up my posts you can find my otworld with a bonsai in it, originally I didn't want the ants to build inside the dirt bellow the plant because they have a formicarium as well but anyways they dig the nest for themselves and I just water the plant's leaves with a syringe(no needle) once every day so the water is distributed evenly around it and the ants are feeling great as far as I can tell
They don't even mind rebuilding the entrance when the water washes a bit of something into it either

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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17804Post MadVampy
Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:30 pm

When you build the nest place a bottom layer of Perlite and maybe a small tube into it and then place your soil on top of it. Perlite is a rock that holds moisture and slowly dehydrates it into the soil, it can be found at most hardware stores in the garden section (just make sure it's plain not treated with any chemicals). When you want to add water just pour it down the tube then place a small piece of cotton into the tube to keep the ants out.

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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17858Post shaky33
Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:04 am

Thanks everyone, the responses were much appreciated.
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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17864Post shaky33
Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:18 pm

Well I have a container which has about an inch or so of soil in it, this container also is home for my pillbugs. If I were to put a queen in there would it be able to live side by side with the pillbugs. I hydrate it often as the pillbugs need water often. Actual dimensions of the container are 17.5/11/6.5 cm.
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Re: Dirt Setup

Post: # 17959Post AntsSA
Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:38 am

it probably could work just they might disturb the queen a but the little ones could also become a potential meal when she gets workers :lol:
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