Anyone else have a problem with getting their ant barriers right? I'm using fluon on the walls and overhang of my outworld and I still have ants escaping and I'm not sure how. I've cleaned the surface, turned the bottle several times to ensure it's not settled, applied it, waited 5 minutes and reapplied, and I'm doing three coats. Anyone have any insights? Species is Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Re: Fluon
Not sure with that species because I keep Solenopsis and I run a 100% enclosed nest and outworld. I have seen that some will run a double band of Fluon spaced about a 1/2" apart or run fluon and then a second band of babypower/alcohol mix for the other one. Good luck on keeping the escape artist at bay.
Head Forum Admin

Name is also Mike but please don't confuse me with Mikey Bustos, two different people.
Keeper of Solenopsis Ants.
Head Forum Admin

Name is also Mike but please don't confuse me with Mikey Bustos, two different people.

Keeper of Solenopsis Ants.

Re: Fluon
Thanks for the tip. Upon looking at my setup again I may have had my byformica feeder a little close to the edge of the overhang where a larger ant may have been able to reach it without going over the fluon. I moved it away and reapplied my fluon. Hopefully that solves my issues. I like running an open top outworld because it's easy to look in on them with my IP camera when the are foraging at night since it has an IR light built in.
Re: Fluon
Yea I have used a IPcam during the founding process on my queens before. I might be designing a out world that will work with Solenopsis that would allow me to have an open top. Hopefully you resolved your escape issues.
Head Forum Admin

Name is also Mike but please don't confuse me with Mikey Bustos, two different people.
Keeper of Solenopsis Ants.
Head Forum Admin

Name is also Mike but please don't confuse me with Mikey Bustos, two different people.

Keeper of Solenopsis Ants.

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