Video of making my second ytong formicarium and acrylic outworld

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Video of making my second ytong formicarium and acrylic outworld

Post: # 17437Post Fulkol
Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:36 pm

Hey guys, as I've mentioned in this topic I made a second formicarium from ytong and a matching acrylic outworld during last week and I've made a video about it, I did some entry level cutting on the clips and uploaded it to youtube. You can see them here:

Please forgive my poor english and when I say sentences that make zero f*****g sense and/or using outworld when I'm talking about the formicarium etc. Hopefully you'll get the important points anyways. Didn't have the chance to practice speaking english in a while and it's not my native language either.

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Re: Video of making my second ytong formicarium and acrylic outworld

Post: # 17615Post Fulkol
Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:15 pm

I wanted to note that when you are working with once living wood it has the chance of becoming moldy if your setup is moist. The one I have in the _outworld_ was getting moldy because I have that area around 70% humidity because of the species I house there, but after I treated the wood with hot, salty water mixture the mold have died out and hasn't regrown since. So it might be a good idea to boil all the decorations in salty water in the beginning

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