Keeping ants in the outworld

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Keeping ants in the outworld

Post: # 17017Post AntLove4Ever
Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:19 pm

Alright so I have a small colony of Pharoah ants in a wooden formicarium attached to an outworld, the problem is that they arnt to smart and keep getting stuck in the Vaseline 😂. At first it seemed like it worked, but then one adventurous ant stepped into the Vaseline, and made it halfway across before getting stuck: I guess it left a scent trail because now dozens are following its path and getting stuck in the same place. What other methods can I use to keep them in that they can't get stuck in?

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Re: Keeping ants in the outworld

Post: # 17018Post Fulkol
Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:30 pm

AntLove4Ever wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:19 pm
Alright so I have a small colony of Pharoah ants in a wooden formicarium attached to an outworld, the problem is that they arnt to smart and keep getting stuck in the Vaseline 😂. At first it seemed like it worked, but then one adventurous ant stepped into the Vaseline, and made it halfway across before getting stuck: I guess it left a scent trail because now dozens are following its path and getting stuck in the same place. What other methods can I use to keep them in that they can't get stuck in?
I suggest using rubbing alcohol and baby powder mix,working wonders for me and it cannot be sticky

As a side note I'd leave a drop of vaseline on a paper towel somewhere in the outworld, they might use it as the garbage site.

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Re: Keeping ants in the outworld

Post: # 17022Post AntLove4Ever
Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:24 pm

Fulkol wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:30 pm
AntLove4Ever wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:19 pm
Alright so I have a small colony of Pharoah ants in a wooden formicarium attached to an outworld, the problem is that they arnt to smart and keep getting stuck in the Vaseline 😂. At first it seemed like it worked, but then one adventurous ant stepped into the Vaseline, and made it halfway across before getting stuck: I guess it left a scent trail because now dozens are following its path and getting stuck in the same place. What other methods can I use to keep them in that they can't get stuck in?
I suggest using rubbing alcohol and baby powder mix,working wonders for me and it cannot be sticky

As a side note I'd leave a drop of vaseline on a paper towel somewhere in the outworld, they might use it as the garbage site.
Awesome, thx!

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Re: Keeping ants in the outworld

Post: # 18045Post xTNxANTMANx
Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:59 am

O yes lol, I have an Aphaenogaster colony and although they love honey, they also enjoy sticking their garbage to it. Its weird to watch :)
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Re: Keeping ants in the outworld

Post: # 18124Post larynx
Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:29 pm

Vaseline works better if you add olive oil to the surface of it after application.
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