Test tube formicarium

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Test tube formicarium

Post: # 16864Post IridomyrmexJ
Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:56 am

So, I currently have 2 queens and one has 2 workers. I want to make a formicarium but I lack the materials to do it. Can i set up a bunch of test tubes in a box and let that act as a formicarium? thanks!!

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Re: Test tube formicarium

Post: # 16871Post shaky33
Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:18 am

IridomyrmexJ wrote:So, I currently have 2 queens and one has 2 workers. I want to make a formicarium but I lack the materials to do it. Can i set up a bunch of test tubes in a box and let that act as a formicarium? thanks!!
You wont need that for a while buddy. But yes, that should work.
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Re: Test tube formicarium

Post: # 16872Post Serafine
Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:16 am

Depends on the species, but generally yes. You want to apply a barrier though (so they can't crawl out or walk upside down on the lid) otherwise feeding them might become a hassle.

For slow-growing Camponotus such a setup will be fine for at least a year, probably even two years.
For fire ants which have a ridiculous growth rate you might to add new containers soon, so buy some tubing add it (stuff the end with a cotton plug) to it so you can expand if needed (since taking the ants out is obviously not an option once they got beyond 100 workers which Fire ants can do in 6 weeks).
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