My new Ytong formicarium + outword

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My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16717Post Fulkol
Sat Feb 04, 2017 1:10 pm

Nearly finished with my new set of an Ytong nest + an acrylic outworld, just need to seal the nest a bit more and add the slippery cover to the top of the otworld.
I plan to house a colony of Lasius Niger in it.

This is the Ytong nest itself, an acrylic cover is screwed to it + it has hot glue gasket on the sides, there are 3 entrances, one which is being used for the tube and the rest are cottoned ventilation holes/spots for future expansions. The water chamber is an upside down pine tree shaped hole, water should spread from there.


This is how the two setups connect.


The otworld itself, it is made of 25x25 cm acrylic plates, the edges are hotglued together, the ground itself made of a layer of grout/gypsum and a layer of dry, waterpool filter sand on the top of it. A few rocks, a piece of coal and a a little bonsai are the decorations, the bonsai is in a hole in the gypsum, I've poured the gypsum around the plant's original pot and it has it's own ball of soil that it lives in. I think it's unlikely for the ants to build a nest in there because it's not deep or big enough I guess and the plant doesn't need to be watered too frequently.


This is how I plan it will look and where it will be, the nest will be covered most of the times with some kind of cardboard I guess and the outword should recieve enough light but not too directly.


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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16729Post Mowteam
Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:10 pm

This looks like a very nice set up 8-) 8-) :D

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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16740Post shaky33
Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:52 am

Could you make some guide or something to make this for the craft noobs out there.
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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16741Post Fulkol
Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:58 am

Mowteam wrote:This looks like a very nice set up 8-) 8-) :D
Thanks :)
shaky33 wrote:Could you make some guide or something to make this for the craft noobs out there.

I will be making more one ytong nest probably this week, I could make photos and a topic about the progress if you wish. Not planning on making more 1 outword tho, but as I've said it's just 6 piece of 25x25 acrylic glass glued together with a maintenance shaft on the top one and one drilled hole for the connection tube. I did the ground as shown in one of the AntsCanada videos and basically that's it.

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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16960Post AntsSA
Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:46 pm

I like it :lol: :lol:
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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16970Post larynx
Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:01 pm

Where did you acquire your ytong from if i may ask? :geek:
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Re: My new Ytong formicarium + outword

Post: # 16971Post Fulkol
Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:44 pm

AntsSA wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:46 pm
I like it :lol: :lol:
Thanks :)
larynx wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:01 pm
Where did you acquire your ytong from if i may ask? :geek:
It's a very common building material here in Hungary, I've bought a piece twice longer (cut it in haf=this + the one I'll be making) for as much as 1.5$

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