Heating Cable?

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Heating Cable?

Post: # 14973Post BleedingRaindrops
Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:13 pm

In all of Mikey's videos on the AntsCanada youtube channel he mentions using a heating cable to keep a formicarium or a test tube set up at a good temperature. I am unfamiliar with heating cables. What are they, and can someone recommend a good one to use for a test tube or for a formicarium?

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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18205Post idahoantgirl
Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:21 pm

BleedingRaindrops wrote:
Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:13 pm
In all of Mikey's videos on the AntsCanada youtube channel he mentions using a heating cable to keep a formicarium or a test tube set up at a good temperature. I am unfamiliar with heating cables. What are they, and can someone recommend a good one to use for a test tube or for a formicarium?
Yes I have also been interested in this. Specifically the wattage and suggesting a good one. (cheap)
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18208Post Serafine
Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:24 pm

I don't recommend heating test tubes with a heating cable. Even a 15W cable is too much and cause several flooding.

You usually place them below one side of the nest so that the nest has a heated spot and cold spot. The ants can then move to the area where the temperature is best for them.
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18217Post jasont200
Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:13 pm

They are used in the keeping of reptiles. You should be able to find them at pet stores.

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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18218Post xTNxANTMANx
Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:59 pm

There is one on Amazon I purchased for like $15. Its 15 watts and I believe is 15ft...yea kinda long but works great. Cheapest and lowest wattage I found. I'd recommend it for sure. Just look up reptile heat cable and should find it no problem.
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18241Post Cale3459
Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:34 pm

$9 at Petco

I use a heating cable in my nest and the colony often keeps the brood up against the wall with the heating cable in it.

The test tube racks have the same heating cable hole in them so the queen can get closer or farther away if they choose. I keep my colony in my basement so having the cable is nice for when the temperature drops down there. It gives them the option to get warmer or cooler.
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18245Post idahoantgirl
Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:26 pm

Cale3459 wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:34 pm
$9 at Petco

I use a heating cable in my nest and the colony often keeps the brood up against the wall with the heating cable in it.

The test tube racks have the same heating cable hole in them so the queen can get closer or farther away if they choose. I keep my colony in my basement so having the cable is nice for when the temperature drops down there. It gives them the option to get warmer or cooler.
Yes, but that one is 100 watts. isn't that deadly high for ants? I though 15 watts would be better.
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18246Post Cale3459
Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:36 pm

idahoantgirl wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:26 pm
Yes, but that one is 100 watts. isn't that deadly high for ants? I though 15 watts would be better.
Actually the one I linked is only 15 watts, but for some reason Petco has included the picture of the 39 foot box rather than the 11 foot box. For reference the 11 foot one is 15 watts, the 15 foot one is 25 watts, the 23 foot one is 50 watts, and the 39 foot one is 100 watts. Sorry for the confusion!
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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18282Post idahoantgirl
Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:24 pm

Cale3459 wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:36 pm
idahoantgirl wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:26 pm
Yes, but that one is 100 watts. isn't that deadly high for ants? I though 15 watts would be better.
Actually the one I linked is only 15 watts, but for some reason Petco has included the picture of the 39 foot box rather than the 11 foot box. For reference the 11 foot one is 15 watts, the 15 foot one is 25 watts, the 23 foot one is 50 watts, and the 39 foot one is 100 watts. Sorry for the confusion!
ooooh, ok. Thnx!
Proverbs 6:6-11

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Re: Heating Cable?

Post: # 18289Post jwatson16202
Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:26 pm

I have a cheap 15w cable and (not sure if it's because it's cheap) can barely feel the heat from it, it's definitely on but I'm not sure how well it would transfer to the nest
I'll investigate more when I'm home, didn't want to leave it on for a week unattended in case of fire
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