Cormac's Campontous Pennsulvancus diary 1

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Cormac's Campontous Pennsulvancus diary 1

Post: # 20166Post Cormac
Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:26 pm


I am creating a Video log of my Campontous Pennsulvancus Queens and hopefully future colony. They are currently in a test tube setup and it seems to be going well. I have a total of six queens laying eggs currently. Four queens are by them self in the tube. The last two are in a tube together as an experiment. The queens are from the same ant colony so my hopes are that because of their same scent they will work together. My recent observation of them shows that their eggs are spread out and disorganized in comparison to the lone queens, Also they seem to exchange food or water though trophallaxis occasionally. I will post updates when I can.




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Re: Cormac's Campontous Pennsulvancus diary 1

Post: # 20180Post xTNxANTMANx
Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:58 pm

You said they are of the same can you be so sure? If you got them out of their nest b4 flying then odds are they aren't fertile. Yes they will still lay eggs but they will only be males.
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Re: Cormac's Campontous Pennsulvancus diary 1

Post: # 20185Post Cormac
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:32 pm

They went on their nuptial flight inside of my green house which is an addition to my house after I turned on the green house heater for my plants. They flew in early march when there was still snow on the ground. My guess is I woke up a feral colony early that had taken up residence inside the wall of the greenhouse.

I did see males and female elates in the greenhouse at the time of collection. I'm thinking they inbreed, I hope.

I have other queens from the same flight who still have not removed their wings and have not laid eggs yet. So my guess is they are not fertilized.

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