So as some know, I have 3 Camponotus subbarbatus seen here...well this is 1 of them
Well, I'd like to show my best...she now 7 workers and like 7 so excited. Which I will post pics on my next break. (I'm at work at the moment)
Keeper of: Aphaenogaster sp Tapinoma sessile Camponotus subbarbatus x3
Here's a couple pics of how well this girl is doin...
This next one isn't all that good but I still like it. You can kinda tell how big her brood patch is ...
Keeper of: Aphaenogaster sp Tapinoma sessile Camponotus subbarbatus x3
For some reason, every time I tried to swap the 2 pics above, they wouldn't. They are supposed to be in opposite places lol. The blurry top one is supposed to be the 2nd pic about how big her brood patch is but oh well...they are still good pics of my gals
Keeper of: Aphaenogaster sp Tapinoma sessile Camponotus subbarbatus x3
They are doing great! I have actually just finished them an out world last night. I have counted at least 8 pupae right now and once they start eclosing I will give them their new out world. It should be the perfect size for as many workers as there will be. I'm hoping to have at least 25 or more workers by the end of the year. She's definitely got a nice size brood pile. Thanks for asking
Keeper of: Aphaenogaster sp Tapinoma sessile Camponotus subbarbatus x3
For some reason it's saying one of my photos isn't found so I'm going to try and repost it. It's actually the better of the two picks in the previous post.
Her brood pile has grown some since this picture was taken also
Keeper of: Aphaenogaster sp Tapinoma sessile Camponotus subbarbatus x3