Pulling the bark off other logs i came into contact with a small colony i THOUGHT to be tetramorium. Luckily i had a Tupperware with me and took a chuck of the log and sealed it. I was excited some because it would of been the species i was looking for already semi started.
On the same log i also found a HUGE Camponotus colony as well with majors . I was running low on containers,Only having snap caps, but i got the queen and a handful of workers with a lot of brood. Filling every vial i had left, Saving who and what i could from the chipper. Unfortunately i did not have time to dig into the wood with my claw hammer for the ones that went into the deep holes

I had to go to the store and make makeshift formicariums for these decent sized colonies until i can get a few hybrid nests in for them each. I now have a total of 4 Camponotus queens all with eggs at this point and one Aphaenogaster colony which we determined today after i couldn't tell if they where Tetramorium or Solenopsis. All thanks to you forum guys with friendly and quick information I have learned so much in a short time.
My plan is to get the aphaenogaster, and 2 Camponotus that i have in hybrid nests at some point if not asap. The other two camponotus with just eggs i believe will be hibernated before they gain enough momentum and i can worry about that next year (might order the nests before hand just because of the time it seems to get them). I was looking at the aphaenogaster preference. Is there a recommendation on a good nest for them? My crafting ability of nests inst so good yet with hydration.
On the other hand. The Camponotus nest i saved seems to be doing OK in the temp setup. And i got a better camera lens to document.
Also trying out new lens at night, so lighting was not best.