So I think I have a daredevil queen...

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So I think I have a daredevil queen...

Post: # 19323Post jwatson16202
Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:45 pm

Hi All! I connected my founding Lasius niger colony to the test tube portal a couple of days back and attached a fresh test tube of water as the tube they currently reside in is almost dry.
She currently has 2 workers and 5 or 6 pupa.

I peeked in on her earlier today and had a slight heart attack when I could see her 2 workers tending the brood but no sign of the queen, further investigation found her wandering around the test tube portal.
Previously I had noted she was the first to investigate food (bits of cricket etc) that I placed in the test tube.

Is this normal? I would have expected the queen to stay put and the workers to venture outside of the "nest".
Keeper of:
2 x Lasius niger colonies (1 founding)
1 x Myrmica rubra colony
1 x Lasius flavus (fouding)

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Re: So I think I have a daredevil queen...

Post: # 19618Post aaronsobored
Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:22 am

yeah if there are not many workers and they are not exactly that big and able to fend for themselves i think the queen would venture out to investigate first although normally not all the way out to the test tube portal i think u really have a daredevil queen lmao! :D :D :D
keeper of black carpenter ants :D :D :D

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