IridomyrmexJ's Ant Journal

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IridomyrmexJ's Ant Journal

Post: # 19056Post IridomyrmexJ
Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:37 am

Hey guys,

I'm going to start an ant journal :). So currently I have 4 colonies with 3 in early stages.

Iridomyrmex Colony
4 workers
~4 months old
In a test tube formicarium (4 test tubes in a plastic box

Pheidole Colony x2
Recently caught (saved from a tub filled with rain water)
Test tube set up

Unknown Colony
Recently caught
2 queens (one has wings) very small species
Test tube
They get along and sit next to each other in the tube

I'll post pictures in the next few days and I'll update every time something happens

Posts: 33
Joined: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:38 am
Location: Australia

Re: IridomyrmexJ's Ant Journal

Post: # 19151Post IridomyrmexJ
Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:32 pm

My macro lens still hasn't come :( I am quite concerned with my 2 pheidole queens and the unknown ones. They still haven't layed eggs! I went away for almost a week and still absolutely no eggs. My iridomyrmex colony seems to be doing fine. The queen looks a little bit fatter as I fed them a beetle 2 weeks ago. Now, I caught all of those queens (expect the Iridomyrmex queen) in a bucket filled with water in my backyard. I saved them from drowning. Would that have some effect on the queens that is stopping them from laying eggs? Ugh I hope they lay some soon.

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