Tetramorium caespitum Colony

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Tetramorium caespitum Colony

Post: # 18439Post Messormad
Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:07 am

Hello am new to this forum room, I fort put my colony up of Tetramorium caespitum they had lot down hill before I got my hybrid nest and Ac outworld as before I only had them in a big test tube and home
Made out world so lost lot workers due them getting out but the population is well over 1k workers and loads brood now with heat and
Lot food and due been in hybrid nest seen lot difference in the colony this is not my only colony I have

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Re: Tetramorium caespitum Colony

Post: # 18498Post idahoantgirl
Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:20 pm

Messormad wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:07 am
Hello am new to this forum room, I fort put my colony up of Tetramorium caespitum they had lot down hill before I got my hybrid nest and Ac outworld as before I only had them in a big test tube and home
Made out world so lost lot workers due them getting out but the population is well over 1k workers and loads brood now with heat and
Lot food and due been in hybrid nest seen lot difference in the colony this is not my only colony I have
Proverbs 6:6-11

Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.

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