Number of Queens in Captivity: 5
Species: Solepnosis, Pheidole, Camponotus x3
Solepnosis (Geminata) - Caught On: Feb 23, 2017
Progress: Great, she's currently doing fine in her setup; though there's some outside yellowish mold forming right at the end of the dry cotton. So far, she has laid about thirty or more so eggs; though I haven't spotted any larvae yet. Hopefully I'll see some more progression later on with this queen.

Pheidole - Caught On: Feb 27, 2017
Progress: No clue, last I ever saw her; she had like five to six eggs with her, and why did I said that? Well, can you guess where she is right now? Chances are, you can't because she has completely concealed herself within the wet cotton. That little brownish bump, yeah that's her. I don't know if she laid anymore eggs or not, but I'm just gonna let her be if she prefers to be in there.
Camponotus - Caught On: Feb 27, 2017, March 4th, 2017
Progress: Not much, one just sits there being lazy; possibly waiting for better conditions. Another is exhibiting the same behavior like my Solepnosis queen did. Finally my fattest Camponotus queen, arguably the most sensitive one is always on the edge, even the slightest sensitivity can scare her. Still no eggs from either of them, as of now.