Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18270Post SpeciesK
Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:44 am

I really am awestruck... if I was there I am sure I would have my mouth hanging open, stunned motionless... :o

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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18284Post Cale3459
Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:32 pm

Current setup is an original hybrid nest with an outworld I built out of a small cricket carrier. I have a small aquarium light to light up the whole area and a small reptile light hanging over the colony keeping it right about 85 degrees during the day. Both lights are on a timer for 12 hours. I have an 11 foot heating cable running through three stacked test tube holders (currently empty) on the far right and then run into the nest. Feeder crickets are in the green carrier on top. Also pictured is a small clear display ant that I had as a kid from a book club order in school which shows the inner parts of an ant. Second shelf down has an AntsCanada outworld not currently in use, original large Camponotus nest, 2 small Camponotus V2 nests, three original test tube portals and a V2 portal, byformica feeder kit, and some connectors in a bag, third shelf down (not pictured) has cotton balls and tubing. Finally I have a mini fridge right next to it for different food items.
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18294Post SpeciesK
Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:50 pm

They are living like royalty.
On your outworld, what do you use to prevent them climbing out? It looks like it's either just a piece of plastic with a hole in the middle, or maybe it's covered in vaseline or powder.

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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18295Post Cale3459
Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:53 pm

SpeciesK wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:50 pm
They are living like royalty.
On your outworld, what do you use to prevent them climbing out? It looks like it's either just a piece of plastic with a hole in the middle, or maybe it's covered in vaseline or powder.
I use fluon
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18314Post xTNxANTMANx
Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:23 pm

This species is at the top of my "Gotta-have" list :). I use flu on also and love it. My Aphaenogaster fulva colony can't get over it. My out world I made doesn't require a lid because so. Beautiful colony btw...
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18316Post Cale3459
Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:08 am

I read somewhere that Camponotus pennsylvanicus can grow to be 15,000 strong. I want that so badly.
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18342Post xTNxANTMANx
Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:57 pm

I bet :). With their size, to sit and watch a colony even a 1/4 that size would be awesome. I have seen plenty of workers around my house of that species so I an hoping I'll score soon lol.
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18794Post Cale3459
Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:05 pm

Ooper hooked me up with some miscellaneous scratch and dent items he had lying around when I ordered a slightly defective nest from him. He sent a couple test tube portals that didn't have lids and I got a little creative with them. Siliconed them together and took my Dremel to one side to put a screen on it. I'm affectionately referring to it as the Interstate, for when you have a lot of tubes you need to connect together :lol:
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18804Post xTNxANTMANx
Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:05 pm

Cale3459 wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:05 pm
Ooper hooked me up with some miscellaneous scratch and dent items he had lying around when I ordered a slightly defective nest from him. He sent a couple test tube portals that didn't have lids and I got a little creative with them. Siliconed them together and took my Dremel to one side to put a screen on it. I'm affectionately referring to it as the Interstate, for when you have a lot of tubes you need to connect together :lol:
One thing I cannot figure out is where to get good screen. Could you tell me where you possibly got your screen? Cuz it looks perfect for what we do :-)
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Re: Cale's Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony

Post: # 18810Post Cale3459
Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:10 pm

xTNxANTMANx wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:05 pm
Cale3459 wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:05 pm
Ooper hooked me up with some miscellaneous scratch and dent items he had lying around when I ordered a slightly defective nest from him. He sent a couple test tube portals that didn't have lids and I got a little creative with them. Siliconed them together and took my Dremel to one side to put a screen on it. I'm affectionately referring to it as the Interstate, for when you have a lot of tubes you need to connect together :lol:
One thing I cannot figure out is where to get good screen. Could you tell me where you possibly got your screen? Cuz it looks perfect for what we do :-)
Actually I got it from Ooper with my nest I ordered. I had a little left over from cutting it to fit. I'm sure it is a commercially produced item. Maybe he can shed some light on that question.
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Camponotus pennsylvanicus

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